Call for Papers – Teaching Innovation Issue 2023
Submission deadline: August 31, 2022
Have it Your Way:
Mass Customization in Marketing Education
Special Issue Editors:
Alicia D. Cooper, Alabama A&M University (
Michael A. Levin, Otterbein University (
Journal Editor:
Seung Hwan (Mark) Lee, Ryerson University (
Submissions will be accepted from May 1, 2022 via ScholarOne Manuscripts -
Do you remember the McDonald’s jingle “Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun?” That’s how course prep used to be. You could easily plan and build your course from year to year with relatively few changes. Maybe, if you were creative, you might utilize the Burger King slogan “Have it your way” and offer a less standardized but still traditional course. However, just as McDonald’s and Burger King have adjusted to changing consumer tastes, now offering ‘meatless’ burgers with vegan cheese, we, too find ourselves adapting to societal changes.
During the past few years many educators have learned to pivot and become flexible with regard to course delivery and instruction. While we were originally tasked with adopting new modes of instruction for an entire course (e.g., asynchronous online, synchronous online, and hybrid), we are increasingly being asked to adjust our modes of instruction within a course during the academic term. This calls for a high degree of flexibility not only regarding instruction, but also related to assessment, student deliverables and course administration.
Topics to be considered for this issue may include, but are not limited to:
Mass customization of instruction, assessment and administration
- Best practices related to team teaching
- Allowing flexibility with regard to student deliverables (e.g., written, animated story, audio, voice-over PowerPoint)
- Digital versus physical: Standardizing your online and face-to-face courses to meet university requirements
- How to best meet Assurance of Learning accreditation standards
- Administering office hours and advisement online
Teaching Sales courses: innovations related to role-playing exercises
Innovations incorporating online publisher platforms into a course
Innovative uses of university LMS software
Managing changing student expectations and perspectives
I scored 100% on the online homework, why am I not getting an A in the course?
Dealing with the demands of constant contact – responding to student emails and messages (including within the LMS and online publisher platform)
Preserving academic integrity
- Designing innovative and effective online assessments
- Using online proctoring services (What happens when a student challenges the computer results? Should there be flexibility regarding the consequences related to flagged incidents in the video?)
- Best practices for dealing with your test questions and assignments appearing on Course Hero, Quizlet and QuizPlus
Innovations in creating and using Coursepacks
Managing the accessibility needs of students: differences in computer and internet access; adaptations to meet ADA requirements
Retaining elements of online best practices in face-to-face courses
In addition to these topics, we welcome submissions that discuss innovative marketing pedagogy. Authors are encouraged to focus less on analysis and more about scalability and adaptability of the innovation
Authors should consider the following outline when preparing a manuscript:
Clearly state the challenge or opportunity the innovation is intended to address.
Explain how the challenge or opportunity relates to marketing course or curriculum objectives.
Outline the innovation itself:
What processes were used to deliver the information, including time and resources?
What are the learning objectives? What skills are gained via this innovation?
Explain how the innovation is novel (i.e., how is it different from existing instructional methods). Provide theoretical foundation and justification for them as necessary.
Explain how the innovation is effective (i.e., how well it addresses the challenge or opportunity).
Report peer and/or student assessment results, if available, to demonstrate the innovation's effectiveness. Summarize the challenges or concerns encountered when using the innovation and how an instructor might deal with them.
Comment on the adaptability of the innovation across marketing courses.
Please provide a blueprint of how another instructor can adapt this innovatio
Marketing Education Review receives all manuscript submissions electronically via its ScholarOne Manuscripts site located at
Authors must select Innovation Issue and not the regular issue. There is a 10-page, double-spaced maximum length for submissions (body, figures, tables, and references), and an additional 2-page maximum length for appendices. This page limit does not include the abstract, title page, or supplemental online material. Submissions that do not follow the required formatting style will not be considered for publication.
Please consult the MER site for details on the formatting requirements for submissions at: